RESEARCH RESULTS :: The Healthiest People On Earth
Research Results of the Healthiest People and Societies On Earth
he list below was compiled by a noted research physician who traveled the globe in search of the most long-lived people on Earth. Other surveys have long concurred these lifestyle characteristics. A number of books have delved into this subject in detail, but this list succinctly seems to summarize it all rather nicely.
List of Common Denominators in Lifestyle, Activities, Diet
• natural, home grown foods without pesticides, chemicals, processed foods
• little use of spices, seasonings, flavor enhancers
(unnecssary as natural foods were very flavorful) (herbs, yes)
• clean water
• physical activity, walking, gardening, climbing hills
• strong sense of community (very important)
• regular, consistent, simple lifestyle
• moderation in ALL things (very moderate, even sparse)
• some sort of peaceful spirituality
• strong sense of family
• stress counteracted by family and community
Surveyed: People living in the Caucausus, in Okinawa, the Americas and Africa. The more isolated and far removed from modern society, the more likely the population experienced better health and longer lifespans.
Processed Foods & the Profit Incentive
Health food stores are filled with unhealthy processed “health” foods and supplements to the same degree as many conventional grocery stores.
Virtually all processed foods, whether healthy, natural, organic or not, ahave been created to maximize convenience and profit margins more so than health. The healthiest foods cannot easily be shipped or stored.
Maximal profits are generated from the processes of dehydrating, concentrating, isolating, condensing, cooking, heating, drying, hulling, and adding salt, sugar, fat, addictive chemical compounds such as MSG and derivatives.
The Long Term Price of Cheap Fillers, Chemical Additives, Flavor Enhancers
Syrup solids, sugar and salt ameliorate and mask the intensity of each others’ flavors to the degree that one can ingest them without being forewarned by our normally vigilant tastebuds.
The price in terms of overall health is severe. MSG, salt and sugar and their hidden derivatives can act as stimulants and addictive agents, setting up cravings which causes one to overeat. These substances can negatively affecting brain chemistry stress one’s detoxifying organs.
The higher consumption of these seasonings, chemicals and fillers can significantly contribute to increased rates of heart disease, cancer, stress conditions, diabetes, early onset aging as well as a host of other illnesses.
Fat and Oils
Fat cells crave fat and send enzymatic requests to the brain for ever more fat. As we lose weight, the fat cells clamor to be replenished. This makes long term weight loss difficult, at best. The larger and greater number of fat cells, the greater the cravings for more fat.
Fat cells can increase but not diminish in number. Maintaining a moderate body fat content level from birth is invaluable for easy lifetime weight management.
Interestingly, raw, natural and unprocessed fats as consumed in the Arctic regions show none of the negative side effects of heated and processed fats served in today’s urban environments.
Fats and oils require significant amounts of preservatives to prevent rancidity. These preservatives can be disease causing in small quantities and may not be fully effective in preventing unhealthy oxidation and the release of harmful free radicals.
A Lifetime of Accumulated Fat Cells
It is best not to overfeed children. Once they have become overweight, it can be more difficult for them to maintain an optimal body weight as they age. Childhood obesity can lead to a liftime of health disorders.
ne could say that it is a clever money making device to ensure a constant stream of lifetime customers by selling highly addictive, chemically altered and enhanced, high sugar, fat and salty foods. In particular, the fast food industry as well as many restauranteurs and their suppliers use these foods tp disquise poor quality ingredients and increase their bottom lines, often at the grave expense of national health.
There is much less profit built into the sales of genuinely healthy foods such as organic fresh fruits and vegetables, lean pasture raised meat and bone broths, whole sprouted and natural grains, unhulled nuts and seeds.
If you have a small garden and you can walk, climb, raise your arms and knees, there’s not much need for devices and exercise machines. However, this equipment can spur one to action and help develop impetus to regularly follow an exercise program. However, many people end up storing these devices away after a brief period of utilization. Others of course use them faithfully.
If you purchase exercise equipment, make it a point to use it every day. This can be highly contributory to overall health.
The best exercise is the most natural exercise – digging, gardening, moving arms and legs, jumping, sprinting, swinging, lifting, walking, climbing stairs and even cleaning with non toxic cleaners, of course.
If one eats a good, natural diet, one generally gets all the nutrients they need. However, today’s foods are often deficient in nutritional factors due to improper agricultural practices. Therefore many people have turned to supplements, powders and concentrates to obtain the nutrients they believe they are missing in their diet.
These supplements are often artificially created in a laboratory, very unlike their more natural counterparts found in fresh food. In remote societies, a natural diet has proven to be more than adequate.
The best solution in today’s hectic, moder world? Highly beneficial are the juicing and blending of organic fruits and vegetables. These organic foods are naturally grown as Nature intended and are higher in vital nutrients absorbed through properly managed and sustained soil and water, while juicing or blending helps concentrate their nutritive value into a more easily assimilable form.
With proper exercise and emphasis on fresh raw organic fruits and vegetables, one can as much as they want of a wide range of raw foods and still lose weight.
Restrictive low caloric or limiting diets seldom if ever work in the long term, for such diets require a lifetime of continual deprivation.
We hope to have a comprehensive raw diet analysis soon.
Easy Answers To Good Health and Longevity
The easiest answer to having the best health are those listed above, according to the latest research by well respected physicians and scientists. Are these answers easy to integrate into one’s general lifestyle? Yes and No.
After all, nothing could be easier than stopping by the frozen food section or grabbing a quick hot fast food meal.
However, once one makes the decision to change their lifestyle for the better, it will become an easier and easier proposition to follow. Good habits though hard to come by, with time and persistence, simply become natural, thus easing the process. Consider… what can be easier than grabbing a piece of fresh fruit or throwing some greens, veggies and other goodies into a blender?
It is doable, this pursuit of a long and happy life.
Perhaps most importantly… understanding and realizing that a loving heart may be the most dominant means to a good life above almost all else.
Another note… humans seem to be hardwired by Nature to crave some form of spirituality. All of these positive factors of love, spirituality, kindness and patience work together to minimize stress, thus leading to less disease and ill health.
And finally… the healthiest people on Earth are usually people of great generosity who are imbued with a loving spirit despite the ups and downs of life that befall us all.
Emanate love, both for self and for others, and life can be especially beautiful, as God and Nature intended.