THE BEST ADVICE Regarding the Consumption of Organic Meat, Raw Or Cooked
e ourselves do not generally consume meat, but we acknowledge and respect the fact that many people do and will continue to do so. Therefore we wish to present the most beneficial and nutritional information as possible for all concerned.
Meat is one of the most popular foods around the world simply due to the facts that, currently, it is easy to get, easy to prepare and extremely tasty when prepared properly. But is meat THAT healthy and good for us? As they say, most things in moderation.
But today’s average meat may be doing more harm than good. Why is that? There are quite a few reasons. These have to do with the method or raising our food animals. All in all, there is a strong case for organically, “naturally grown” meat. We must always remember that meat is procured from living, breathing animals with feelings and sensibilities closer to our own than many wish to believe.
Additionally, the idea of eating flesh from animals that have lived an atrocious life, devoid of any of life’s kindnesses and pleasures may affect one’s conscience; if not immediately, perhaps later in life. It can be very regrettable when one realizes their complicity to cruelty to animals. As for the meat from abused, stressed animals, one may question it’s quality.
These days, meat seems to require charred cooking, heavy seasoning, salting and sweetening to be enjoyed. In the past, meat was of such quality that very little seasoning was required to enhance its already rich flavours.
The best meat comes from animals that are raised kindly and humanely with the young able to stay with their mothers for a lengthy period of time, and with access to fresh pastures, exercise, clean air and sunshine. When they are finally slaughtered, their deaths should be painless and completely without stress, not having to suffer thirst and hunger and a long, dreadful journey beforehand.
Raw Meat
We do not expect that most people will choose to eat RAW, meat. However, if they choose meat from animals that are organically, more humanely and naturally raised, the safety level could be quite higher than that from chemically enhanced, GMO and byproduct fed, factory farmed animals.
This is partially due to the fact that organic meat contains a number of nutritional components over and above non organic raised meat.
Organic free range meat can contain the following:
* much higher levels of valuable omega 3 fatty acids
* much higher levels of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
* higher levels of “essential” fatty acids
* much higher levels of Vitamin E
* much higher levels of Vitamin A
* much lower levels of harmful types of saturated fats
* much lower levels of hormone or chemical derivatives
* no hormones or hormone residues
* no antibiotic residues
Many of these components are more biogenically available at higher levels when unaltered or decreased by high heat.
A Tricky Proposition
The recommending of eating raw meat can be a tricky proposition. As we all know, pork has become infamous for parasitical infestation, chicken has almost become synonymous with salmonella contamination and beef and other meats have had a number of run ins with e-coli and “mad cow” recalls.
One is hardly to trust the consumption of raw meat. However, there are some facts to consider.
Is raw meat safe?
We cannot answer that question for you. However, organically and HUMANELY raised animals have a much lower likelihood of containing pathogenic and chemical contamination.
This is due to the much higher standards that organic ranchers and farmers generally adhere to. In addition, they take very special care with feed and living conditions. They are much more likely to raise their animals in a more natural, pleasant and healthful environment. It is safe to assume that the meat from content and well cared for animals will be of a higher quality than that from stressed, sick, miserable animals.
It is important to note that organic beef is generally pathogen free when unexposed to air. Therefore it behooves one to cook the outside of a piece of meat by dropping into scalding water or quickly heating all surfaces to kill any pathogens on the outside. Additionally, one should always carefully examine any meat for parasitical infestation. It is always advisable to err on the side of caution.
Is raw meat more nutritious?
Without a doubt, raw meat is indeed nutritious. Part of this is due to the lack of protein and nutrient malformation during the heating phase. In addition, enzymatic and proteolytic processes can aid in its digestion. Is it more nutritious than cooked meat? Most likely, yes. That said, most people will find that the idea of eating raw meat “hard to assimilate.”
General Discussion About the Meat Diet
Many people do not eat meat. Some do not for reasons of conscience. Others do not for nutritional and health repercussions. For whatever your reasons, there are pros and cons to eating meat.
Most People Today – Do They Need Meat?
What sort of person are you? Why body type and dietary type are you? These days people have co-mingled to such a degree that most have a “balanced” need for all types of food with subjective slight needs for one type over another.
Therefore, the average person can safely consume most all types of foods, meat being one of them.
However, that said, meat can be easily “over consumed” because of it’s taste factor and addictive qualities.
The Addictive Qualities of Meat
No one can dispute that the just smell of hot barbecue can cause the mouth to water with delight. That is because broiled or fried seasoned animals fats give off very pleasing and enticing aromatic aromas and esters.
As one person said, “It is to their great misfortune that the fat and flesh of Mr. Pig, Chicken and Cow is so delicious.”
The very deliciousness of meat products lead to their over-consumption. In addition, salt and seasonings usually raise the delectability factor to an almost addictive range. These seasonings can create inordinate cravings.
Additionally, the average body craves the consumption of fats, sugars and salts. Fatty meat is highly addictive on its own, but when combined with sweet and salty seasonings, the addictive characteristics skyrocket.
People will then tend to over consume.
Are Certain Body Types More Prone To Needing Meat In Their Diet?
People have different constitutions. Some people can easily digest and assimilate meat seemingly with no adverse consequences while others are prone to suffer digestive upset or are more likely to develop gout, arthritic, heart, or other conditions.
Still others find they can consume large amounts of meat in their younger years yet are unable to continue such a diet as they get older.
Why is it that some can eat meat more easily than others?
It may have to do with genetic propensities. If one’s long line of ancestors primarily consumed meat, their healthy suriving progeny would most likely be able to do the same. A vegetarian type individual born into such a family might not tend to do as well.
On the other hand, a family lineage of those subsisting mostly on vegetarian cuisine would likewise have progeny that did the best on a similar diet.
It is simply a matter of the best and easiest survival mechanism to successfully live of the diet you are given.
Meat and Health
That said, ever increasing evidence is showing that modern diseases are ever increasing due to the consumption of meat. Meat is not as vital as one might presuppose; we may need far less meat than we consume.
It has been shown that cultured and properly prepared legumes and vegetables offer premier nutrition. The difficulty lies in the improper consumption of such foodstuffs.
Some say that grains and legumes need not be consumed together. Others say that eating them simultaneously greatly enhances their synergistic actions.
We believe that providing all essential amino acids together, especially properly prepared, gives the digestive system the easiest access to extract the right balance of vital nutrients. As in all things, the easier something is to do, the more likely it is to get done.
The best meats are probably those that are derived from humanely raised, organically fed and naturally pastured animals. In the past, such natural farm raised animals had flavors and delectability that today’s factory farmed meat is devoid of. There are those who remember that meat from the past required little seasoning such that it was so succulent and flavorful on its own.
Raw meat, properly prepared is most likely the best and healthiest method of consumption. Therefore a delicate Steak Tartare and even raw liver juices can offer incredible nutritive value. Will people commonly consum them? That remains to be seen.