Pastoral, Sustainable Organic Farming provides some of the most delicious foods on Earth. Many of the best restaurants and establishments have now turned to organic produce. Growing Food Naturally. : )
ur Rule For Eating: "God's food served God's way." That means fresh, raw, organic.
What else is best? Best is the golden standard by which all else is judged. The truly best things in life lift the bar and raise the standards for everything else.
And, why do you deserve the best? Everyone deserves healthy, natural, delicious food - the very BEST as only Nature can provide.
Greater quality, healthier living, pleasurable eating, life affirming products and services, a joyous, healthy, loving and happy way of life. We're glad you're here!: )
Superfood-HD - A wonderful app for your phone or pad - keep healthy with this informational nugget of superfood knowledge.
If you want this wonderful, convenient little app, click HERE to visit the store. It’s only 99 cents – what a deal! AND, we have one of our very best, amazing, healing juice recipes in it. It’s a green juice of suPERLATIVE quality and marvelousness, based upon the Gerson Anti-Cancer Program. (We’ve delicioso’d and amped it up a bit. : )
Full Video of William Shatner narrating “Vegetarian World,” the Documentary
William Shatner, the famous captain of the Starship Enterprise in the original TV Series, Star Trek, narrates a telling documentary about vegetarianism. This amazing video from 1982 is filled with powerful information that, today, is becoming increasingly accepted as indisputable. Evidence is proving that the vegetarian diet, properly utlized, may extend lives and save many from heart disease, cancer and other health consequences of the modern meat based diet. (more…)
Yam noodles and kelp noodles are popular health and diet food items. They are extremely low in calories and can be quite filling. They easily take to sauces and seasonings and can be quick and easy to prepare. (Yam and Kelp Noodle Recipes HERE)
Kelp noodles have been labeled “raw” which makes them popular with the raw food crowd. However, are they really “raw?” We will discuss these noodles in more detail below. (more…)
Many people stock no more than a fews days worth of food and water, if anything at all. Perhaps they can’t seem to fathom the need. Hopefully they’re right, everything will be just fine.
Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to have essentials on hand for emergencies. Unforeseen circumstances can warrant such necessities. (more…)
Many people believe that agave syrup is a healthier alternative to sugar. Unfortunately, this may be untrue.
Common Blue Agave Plant - Used For Sweetening, Tequila
Video: John Koehler discusses dangers of agave syrup.
John Kohler reports that agave has been BANNED and DE-LISTED by the Glycemic Research Institute as a low glycemic sweeterner. In fact, in human tests, individuals suffered severe and dangerous side effects from the oral ingestion of agave. (more…)
Bernando LaPallo is 109 years old. He is currently strong, hale, hearty, healthy and fit, and is filled with vibrant energy and good will.
Bernando LaPallo is one of the oldest, healthiest, happiest well known centegenarians in the world. He was born in August 17th, 1901. He has lived a mostly vegetarian lifestyle and swears by (more…)