Constantly Updating Radiation Levels in Los Angeles
There’s been quite a bit of attention given to radiation these recent days due to the terrible set of tragedies that have beset the Japanese people. Here, we can easily monitor the Southern California radiation levels with this uStream, streaming video. Provided by Beneath are the Ustream Social stream and Related Chat. The normal radiation levels are approximately 20 to 50 CPM (Clicks Per Minute.)
Click on the tiny arrow on the bottom bar of the video to see the live stream.
General Information
The average CPM background radiation level varies between 15 and 40 CPM.
Flying in an airplane at 30,000 feet will increase exposure to 200 CPM for the flight duration. That is 8 times the normal background radiation on the ground.
CPM – Counts Per Minute, i.e. radiation counts per minute, a unit of measurement for a Geiger counter, on many models corresponding directly to the audible beeps or clicks per minute. CPM is the standard unit of measurement for alpha and beta radiation, and is also commonly used to express background radiation in numerical terms.
mR/hr – milli-Roentgens per hour, or 1/1000 of a Roentgen per hour, a standard unit of measurement for radioactivity, popular in the United States and Israel.
µSv/hr – micro-Sieverts per hour, a standard unit of measurement for radioactivity, popular in Canada and overseas. If you want a Geiger counter that reads out in µSv/hr, look for this feature, standard on some geiger counter models, optional on others.
Conversion Table
= 1 sievert: = coulomb/kilogram: = microcoulomb/kilogram: = millicoulomb/kilogram: = parker: = rem: = rep: = roentgen: |
1 .002162 2.16204 2.16204 8.38 100 8.38 8.38 |
One response to “LIVE RADIATION MONITORING In Los Angeles”
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