ARE YOU ILL? Try Healing Rap : )
HEALING RAP SONG with Doctor Jill – Revised
The Powers of Mind and Universe
Over Matters of Health and Recovery
re you having health issues? If so, perhaps you may find reciting Dr. Jill’s “Healing Rap” just what the doctor “ordered.” Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained neuroanatomist who suffered a severe brain stroke one early morning. She was left partially paralyzed with almost complete memory loss. She had lost the connection between the “left brain” and the “right brain” and thus was unable to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. It has taken her 8 years to fully recover.
Dr. Jill used the following SONG to help heal and recuperate, using the forces of mind, positive feedback and perhaps, the power of naturally existing energy fields. (Energy Field Reference: Lynne McTaggart’s The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe) Please note that we added our verses. Feel free to edit the poem as you see fit – we did. Every healing journey is deeply personal. : )
Dr. Jill’s Healing Rap with Revisions
We are, I am, the life force power of the universe!
We are, I am, the life force power of the universe!
We are, I am, the life force power of 50 trillion molecular geniuses!
We are, I am, the life force power of 50 trillion molecular geniuses!
There’s a party going on inside of me!
There’s a party going on inside of me!
I am the Queen, he is the King of the White Cell Brigade!
I am the Queen, he is the King of the White Cell Brigade!
My white cells seek and destroy all foreign debris!
My white cells seek and destroy all foreign debris!
My white cells seek and destroy all cancer cells!
My white cells seek and destroy all cancer cells!
My macrophages clear and clean.
My macrophages clear and clean.
There’s a party going on inside of me!
There’s a party going on inside of me!
Our (BestRawOrganic) Addition:
My wonderful cells seek and destroy all parasites!
My wonderful cells seek and destroy all parasites!
My body regenerates all parts of me to better than new!
My body regenerates all parts of me to better than new!
My mind regenerates all parts of me to better than new!
My mind regenerates all parts of me to better than new!
God’s healing force fully regenerates to perfection every part of me!
God’s healing force fully regenerates to perfection every part of me!
I am already now, in this now moment, NOW, perfect, whole, and complete!
I am already now, in this now moment, NOW, perfect, whole, and complete!
There is nothing to heal I AM WHOLE RIGHT NOW!
There is nothing to heal I AM WHOLE RIGHT NOW!
There’s a party going on inside of me!
There’s a party going on inside of me!
Smile! Smile!
Smile! Smile!
: )
It’s a new, fresh, brand new day!
It’s a new, fresh, brand new day!
Everyday in every way i’m healthier and healthier!
Everyday in every way i’m healthier and healthier!
I blossom and grow and shine and glow!
I blossom and grow and shine and glow!
I easily send on its way everything that’s no longer for my highest best good!
I easily send on its way everything that’s no longer for my highest best good!
And Of Course, For Fun:
I easily eat more raw and organic!
I easily eat more raw and organic!
I blossom and grow and shine and glow with beautiful health!
I blossom and grow and shine and glow with beautiful health!
Can a song that’s sung often make a difference in a person’s recovery and recuperation? Considering that mind and body are very much interconnected, it’s highly likely, according to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. Attitude and the power of positive thinking can lower stress, energize and enervate, give hope rather than hopelessness and sometimes, without explanation, seem to work miracles.
“Feel the feelings of being in perfect health, and the body rises to the occasion.” ~ & C. Ellienne
MORE ABOUT DR. JILL BOLTE TAYLOR :: From Dr. Jill’s Website:
“Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroanatomist who experienced a severe hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain in 1996. On the afternoon of this rare form of stroke (AVM), she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. It took eight years for Dr. Jill to completely recover all of her functions and thinking ability. She is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey (published in 2008 by Viking Penguin). In 2008, Dr. Jill gave a presentation at the TED Conference in Monterey, which has become the most viewed TED Talk to date. This now famous 18-minute presentation catapulted her story into the world. As a result, she was chosen as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World for 2008. In addition, Dr. Jill was the premiere guest on Oprah’s Soul Series webcast and was interviewed by Oprah and Dr. Oz on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
Dr. Jill is the National Spokesperson for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (Harvard Brain Bank) and travels the country as the Singin’ Scientist (listen to the Brain Bank Jingle). Since 1993, she has been an active member of NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) and is currently the president of the NAMI Greater Bloomington Area affiliate in Bloomington, Indiana.
Official Biography
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a trained and published neuroanatomist. Her specialty was in the postmortem investigation of the human brain as it relates to schizophrenia and the severe mental illnesses. Because she has a brother who has been diagnosed with the brain disorder schizophrenia, Dr. Taylor served for three years on the Board of Directors of the National NAMI organization (National Alliance on Mental Illness) between 1994-1997. Currently she serves as President of the Greater Bloomington Affiliate of NAMI in Bloomington, Indiana.
Because there is a long term shortage of brain tissue donated for postmortem research by individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, Dr. Taylor travels as the National Spokesperson for the Mentally Ill for the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (Harvard Brain Bank) located at McLean Hospital. As the Singin’ Scientist, Dr. Taylor delivers this very popular keynote address titled “How To Get Your Brain To Do What You Want It To Do.”
But as irony would have it, on December 10, 1996, Dr. Taylor woke up to discover that she was experiencing a rare form of stroke, an arterio-venous malformation (AVM). Two and a half weeks later, on December 27, 1996, she underwent major brain surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) to remove a golf ball size blood clot that was placing pressure on the language centers in the left hemisphere of her brain.
It took eight years for Dr. Taylor to successfully rebuild her brain – from the inside out. In response to the swelling and trauma of the stroke, which placed pressure on her dominant left hemisphere, the functions of her right hemisphere blossomed. Among other things, she now creates and sells unique stained glass brains when commissioned to do so. In addition, she published a book about her recovery from stroke and the insights she gained into the workings of her brain. The New York Times bestselling memoir is titled My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey.
In February 2008, Dr. Taylor gave a presentation at the prestigious TED Conference. A video of that presentation was posted on the TED website which was immediately viewed by millions of people around the world. The response to the video launched Dr. Taylor into becoming a highly sought-after public speaker. She was chosen by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2008 and was the premiere guest on Oprah’s Soul Series webcast. In addition, she was interviewed by Oprah and Dr. Mehmet Oz on The Oprah Winfrey Show.”
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