Did you know that your body absorbs toxins from some of the most common food sources? What are these sources? Here are the top 5.
1. Canned Food
Canned goods contain BPA. BPA (Bisphenol A) is used in the inner lining. It leaches into the food. It can cause memory problems, brain aging as well as other bad side effects. Canada has officially declared BPA to be a toxin and has banned its use in baby bottles. The European Union has banned it as well.
2. Cars and Plastic Toys
Did you know that your car dashboard and car seats more often than not contain toxic chemicals called phthalates? Toys can ALSO contain phthalates.
Phthalates are used to make plastics soft and pliable. You can breathe in this toxic chemical and absorb it through your skin and mouth.
How are phthalates harmful?
They interfere with testosterone production and can cause levels to plummet. Women also have testosterone. Phthalate poisoning can lead to fatigue, lower muscle mass, lowered fertility, higher senstivities, allergies.
Phthalates can also negatively affect immune system, brain and nervous system functions. Phthalates can ALSO be found in food packaging, hoses, raincoats, shower curtains, vinyl flooring, wall coverings, lubricants, adhesives, detergents, nail polish, hair spray and shampoo.
3. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs
This is probably a “no-brainer.” Most people would not be surprised to find out that their medications contain toxins. But what they don’t know is that these toxins can mix together into an even MORE toxic soup when several types are taken at once. The liver has a very hard time breaking down this “toxic soup” as we get older.
4. Personal Care Products
Cosmetics, shampoos, antiperspirants, soaps, nail polish and many other personal products contain over 200 synthetic chemicals. Many of these chemicals combine into even more toxic compounds. These chemicals can disrupt hormone levels and the endocrine system. These toxins can be absorbed through the skin. They can weaken the immune system, cause allergies. These toxic levels can stress the liver, which may leak them into the bloodstream.
5. Airline Seats and Mattresses
What do airline seats and mattresses have in common? They can contain large amounts of PBDEs (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers). These are flame retardants. They can “gas out” into the air you breathe. They accumulate at higher levels in the enclosed areas of a plane or bedroom. PBDEs can cause moderate, permanent and severe nervous system damage. These chemicals can also be found in carpets, clothing and TV casings.
What is a person to do with all these toxins that abound in their environment?
5 Ways to Eliminate More Toxins From Your Life
1. Avoid…
Avoid buying products that contain these toxins. Trader Joe’s and other natural health stores contain a variety of products that are much lower in toxins. Some contain no toxins at all.
2. Open…
Open your car door or windows while still parked and let the let the fresh air recirculate before driving off, espcially in hot weather. You can close the windows after the air has been refreshed.
3. Eat…
Eat plenty of fresh raw fruit and vegetables, organic if possible. Fresh raw fruits and vegetables help the body eliminate toxic materials.
4. Think…
Think about taking a proven oral toxin eliminator supplement. We highly recommend modified fruit pectin and alginate. We ourselves take pectasol from Jarrow formulas.
5. Take…
Take a sauna or give yourself a colonic. Not all of us have saunas. However, sweating can help eliminate toxins. Colonics can help eliminate toxins as well. We recommend that one consult with their medical professional before embarking upon a colonic regimen. Colonics can also leech valuable nutrients from the system and disturb flora in the gut.
Our environment is steadily getting more and more polluted with toxins. More and more people are suffering adverse health effects. Many companies are continuing to pump MORE toxins into their products. The governmental regulatory agencies are not keeping abreast of the latest research and monitoring public safety adequately.
Avoid purchasing toxic products. Take the time to research and look for non toxic buying choices.
Here is a link to a wonderful guide to non-toxic products:
It’s up to each person to help protect their families, themselves, their environment. Avoid toxic chemicals as much as possible. Vote with your dollars.
Our affiliate link for our favorite detoxification supplement that we use ourselves: Jarrow Pectasol Formula This was the least expensive source for Pectasol.
More About the wonders of Pectasol and its oral detoxification abilities….