LARGE PRINT: Bernando LaPallo Videos and Information
Bernando LaPallo is one of the oldest, healthiest, happiest well known centegenarians in the world. He was born in August 17th, 1901. He has lived a mostly vegetarian lifestyle and swears by his beloved “Superfood,” and a diet that emphasizes raw fruits, raw vegetables, raw juices and moderation. In this video, Bernando is interviewed by Jerry Kramer, co-founder of the 120 Plus Club.
Bernando’s father told him if he lived a certain lifestyle, he would live a long life. “Health should be your first priority. Keep your colon clean.” “Eat properly, not a bunch of cooked, dead foods.”
“You can make 50 million dollars. You can’t see, you can’t walk, you can’t talk, what good is it? Take care of your body and it will take care of you.”
Bernando eats a very special diet of raw, fresh, natural, organic foods. Bernando also will eat a small amount of fish and eats other meat only once a year.
Bernando loves blueberries the most. Next cataloupe, cabbage, broccoli. He will eat nuts, seeds, “rabbity foods.” He seasons with his beloved garlic, honey, His father was a physician. He coformulated the Superfood Supplement with Dr. Schulze.
He has a large fruit salad in the morning with his superfood and cinnamon bark tea. He also eats after a mile to a mile and a half walk in the morning.
His keeps his skin smooth with extra virgin olive oil.
Bernando was a 5 Star Chef. He worked on liners for 37 years to 1957.
These days, his kitchen tools of choice are his blender and a juicer. Two thirds of his diet are broccoli, greens, collard greens, kale, spinach, cabbage and fresh fruit. He loves garlic.
On occasion, he eats soaked black beans and soaked rice, lightly cooked, – poor man’s meat. He soaks his beans and his barley overnight for his barley soup. He tells us that barley was the strengthening food of choice for the workers of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.
He claims his cinnamon tea helps keep his blood sugar under control.
He walks a mile or mile and a half every day. “It’s a regular thing.” He has a regular eating schedule. He is unhurried, unpushed, unfrazzled and comfortable with himself. His father told him, “Never be in an hurry.” “Everybody’s rushing… rushing to the cemetery. But they don’t want to die. Never overload your stomach. Always want a little more.”
Bernando shared his 109th birthday with Fox News and briefly describes his dietary lifestyle.
Raw Foodist Celebrates 109th Birthday:
Look How Health Bernando Looks At 109 as he jumps with the ladies. : )
Bernando Cooks One of His Favorite Soups – 109 YEARS OLD ON MAINLY RAW FOODS- Bernando- The S Video